Setting the Kermit Parameters
The following parameters can be set:
- Timeout after
sets the maximum time Kermit waits for a character to be
received from the serial port.
Maximum number of retries
the maximum number of retries before the transmission is
Number of padding characters
the number of padding characters sent before each packet.
Packet size
the maximum packet size you want to use (maximum size
without large packets is 94 bytes, with 2048).
Quote character
the ASCII character used for control character quoting.
8 bit quote character
the ASCII character used for 8th-bit quoting.
Repeat prefix character
the character used for repeat prefixing.
Padding character
the character used for padding.
Start of packet
the character that marks the start of a Kermit packet.
IBM mode
wait for a XOn character before sending a packet (XOn/XOff
flowcontrol naturally has to be turned off for this to
Error check type
two and single character checksum and CRC check.
Normally you shouldn't have to change any of these parameters,
please consult the Kermit literature for more details.
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